We are carrying out an ambitious Energy Management Plan for Las Rozas Innova to become the municipal energy manager.
It will enable the City Innovation Company to purchase energy directly on the wholesale market, save costs and reduce consumption and environmental impact.
Las Rozas Innova will be able to manage and analyze consumption needs through solar panel systems that are being installed on municipal infrastructures (sports centers, libraries, schools ....). The data analysis will allow to optimize the purchase of energy generating savings and a consumption reduction.
© Empresa Municipal de la Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico de Las Rozas de Madrid, S.A.
C/Jacinto Benavente 2A. Planta 1ª Sur (Edificio Tripark) 28232 – Las Rozas de Madrid
Teléfono +34 91 318 6280 | info@lasrozasinnova.es
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